We bought a house from Julia! Everything went smooth and efficiently. Look forward to buying more. She had very accurate comps and knew alot about the area we were buying in.
Julia did a great job of explaining and helping you to understand what needs to be done. I would use her again .
Julia and Match Made have really been a professional partner is the Houston real estate market - navigating the trends and helping me grow!
Julia Cavazos was a great agent! Very speedy sale & no surprises. Highly recommend.
If you’re considering selling your property and don’t have the experience or trustworthy resources to assist you through the process, Match Made Properties is a name and company you can’t afford to forget! Reach out to them, you won’t regret it!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️- Colby Strickland
Julia was very helpful, knowledgeable, and answered any questions I had. Very easy process
This team has helped me find the property of my dreams and get out of a bad situation...if you need to find a buyer quick without making repairs, this is the company for you!
Mrs. Julia is very knowledgeable about the entire process ! Answers every question and is very helpful:)
Very honest and responsible. A professional team which help you to find what you need.