Evergreen did a great job getting our pad site sold. The site had several development challenges; however, with their perseverance and professionalism they were able to find just the right buyer and get the transaction close!
Haley, Blair, and Lily Golden are an experienced, knowledgeable and hard working team of realtors. It’s always a pleasure to work with them!
Lilly and her team did a great job of marketing and finding a buyer for our commercial property in a very short period of time. They were professional in reaching out to buyers, provided insightful and experienced negotiating advice, and kept us informed throughout the entire process. I highly recommend the team!
We had a retail center that went through the worst of Covid lock-downs which resulted in significant tenant vacancies. Evergreen was able to get us good tenants once the situation started improving a bit and as a result we were able to sell the center at a good profit. The team at Evergreen is very easy to work with, highly experienced in finding/negotiating deals and most importantly always available to answer any questions. Id highly recommend them to anyone needing help with leasing, buying/selling a commercial development.
Planning to relocate our business from California to Texas was very stressful. Warehouses that fit our needs were in short supply, especially when we relied on SBA funding. We contacted Evergreen Commercial Realty and started looking in November 2021. Thanks to Haley, Lilly and Blair, we were finally able to purchase our DREAM building in September 2022. We appreciated all their hard work and dedication!
Lilly golden is an enthusiastic, knowledgeable and an accomplished broker. I have had the pleasure of knowing Lilly for over 10 years and she has the passion to do the upmost for her clients. You will be pleased to work with her.
Evergreen was able to quickly understand our real state requirement and target the ideal site for us. They have exceptional market knowledge and are incredibly persistent in pursuing opportunities. We achieved one of our highest site approval rates on our first tour of Houston.
I have had the pleasure of working with them for over 8 years and they are awesome! I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for commercial real estate in the greater Houston TX region and beyond!
I have worked with Evergreen Realty and Lilly Golden on various transactions and each transaction was exemplary. I have kown Lilly both personally and professionally and would recommend her without hesitation.
Ive known Lilly for over a decade. She is a proven industry expert specific to the retail real estate sector, and is widely trusted by her clients and allies.
As an owner of a multi-unit franchise, I appreciate the hard work locating sites, negotiations and constant communications Evergreen Commercial provides.
When you work with Evergreen Commercial you know you are going to get top notch market information along with exceptional work ethic.
Highly recommend. Worked with Lilly Golden and she went above and beyond to assist me! 10/10
Incredible place with awesome stores and great customer service. I will be returning very soon to browse the wide variety again!
Attentive CRE Market Professionals that are experienced and knowledgeable.
Really enjoy working with Lilly at Evergreen.