Hmmm... Went here invited by a friend and checked out the area... Housing is pretty good and they offer a gym and other public resources for local residents here. This housing is for single people only I believe. Its a good, affordable place to be around town here in Denver Harbor. Its actually probably one of the best if not the best apartment housing in Denver Harbor locally in the Fifth Ward District. Its simple but nothing too super special. I suggest a nice visit to the residence on a not-so-busy day to really feel the place out as if you might want to live here anytime soon. Its good, warts and all. Ive considered and still may consider getting a place here as well...
Horrible terrible place to live. My apt was broken into multiple times and mgt could care less theyd just hang up on you. I was constantly harassed threatened and not eveb able to bathe or use bathroom due to other residents breaking in everytime. Ive paid full rent here every month since november and nind ny business and dont bother anybody. I rarely actually stayed in ny apt due to fear of being hurt robbed or killed. Out of 6 months i may have stayed 2 or 3 total. This place should be shut down and mgt fired. This is absolutely ridiculous. Mgt refuses to move me elsewhere considering its not safe and im quadriplegic. Mgt and the people at desk are a sorry group of people. This is torture i cant shower use bathroom or even change clothes im surrounded by criminals rhat find it funny ti prey on a wheelchair bound white male bc i wont just give them my belongings or money. Sad pathetic group of people im surrounder by and mgt is apart of it. How sad. Corporate will be receiving a call but have a feeling ill get nowhere at all. No1 seems to care unless someone gets hurt or killed then its a problem but too late. adults harassing a defenseless wheelchair bound person their family must be so proud. It wont be funny anymorr ehen thinhs get taken into my or someonr elses hands ..
My partner live here and i have had a good experience with some workers mostly all except for one she always picks with me when i come she was rude to me she yelled at me and then called the manager acting calm like she didnt just scream at me talked to me very disrespectful she made it comfortable for me to stay then when it dosent go her way she wants to call me and show up at the door when she clearly let me stay there with out saying anything then when i talked to her manager she had to be nice ik that made her mad now she just wont stop i see her do things she is not supposed to do but she wants to single me out today she told me to sign out but she never told me anything like that before she even signed a paper to were i could stay like i said dont make it comfortable when its not them pretend im the bad guy when you are...
Have you ever been stalked and harassed? I lived here for 1 year 1 month and a male tenant was allowed to follow me around, wait out front for me, and when I refused him several times he began to make my life a living hell. But as he put it I wasnt even attractive to him but why couldnt he just go on. How can a woman be so ugly to you but you exert this type of effort to do her harm? As my next door neighbor, he would turn his music on full blast and leave his unit. Also he began to encourage the other tenants around my unit to do the same. He made friends with the man that lived above me who would pick up a chair, drop it and drag it every night until about 1am. He was involved in drug dealing on the property and he would offer fiends a hit if they would pick at me. One lady (a friend of his) would even sit in the front and wait to scowl at me at 5:00am in the morning as I would leave. One of the members of the staff would date girls in the building and because he was rejected also he would tell his girlfriends to pick at me when I would pass by the desk he worked at in the front. I almost got into several fights with women because of them. Prostitutes would frequently enter the property and the person at the desk would go to the bathroom so it would look like she did not see. One prostitute came one morning and was allowed access to the property and the manager who has a large glass window and could see her when she got out of the car. Scandalous! My harasser even had men that he knew were seriously infected with HIV and other STDs to try to sleep with me. In essence, he was trying to kill me or make me sick. I was given some free shampoo that they tainted. I had a nice head of hair but a lot of it fell out. The manager refused to help me and the police of 5th Ward totally turned a blind eye and ear. So of course, they were getting their cut. I tried to move into the sister property 1414 Congress and the office staff there accepted my money and lied to me to keep me from moving in. I never received a refund. The manager at Sakowitz refused to allow me to move. He gave me bad recommendations if someone called and even visited another property I had applied to in person. The manager even used his own brand of retaliation. He contacted the management companys attorney and had my personal information tracked down and tried to have me illegally evicted on several trumped up allegations. One was that I owed him $15.00. The manager kept lying saying that I was in a lease when I had been lease free and month to month for 4 months. He even had this same dirt bag member of staff to come to my door and attempt to trap me by getting me to sign a new lease after he had put this attorney on me. I sent the director about 20 emails and she never helped or responded either. Someone within the staff since I moved even contacted the government and tried to have my disability income terminated. No Morals, No Values, No Character, NO GOOD! Do NOT do it to yourself and do not let the local shelters (The Star of Hope) send you here. They are in on it too. These organizations and shelters speak about GOD but I can assure you they need JESUS more than you or I. I can assure you GOD nor JESUS is in no way associated with NEW HOPE HOUSING, I have the scars and documentation to prove it. How can they say they love GOD and do what they did to me?
I love it!The staff (24 hours) are always helpful.The gazebo and the fountains outside are really beautiful!
I went to visit a friend and you how u look at pictures everything is nice but when you get there its nothing like the picture. Well the picture are exactly like the picture. I
Im Paying Full Bills And I Got A Low Mncome And I Have $200 Left $200 Not Enough To Buy What I Need
I enjoy the outdoors & privacy ,+ Hospitality that is shown if you choose to accept!
Good place!
Great place,I love it
Front desk clerks are trash
This is the worst place in America to live. You cant have guests at your home like you want to they use to charge $5 for your guest to stay overnight they are run by the Star of Hope we need some other nonprofit to help homeless Starmof Hope just want money.